Rope Guide

Jump Rope Sizing
There is no “right” length - it depends on the jump style you want to accomplish (Boxing, Freestyle Tricks, Dance, etc.). Pinpoint your style and adjust the rope to your individual identity and objective.
A standard recommended starting point is to step on the center of the cord and have the end of the jump rope handles reach directly below your chest plate. Our ropes can be cut or knotted to your desired measure.
TMPLO ropes come in a 9ft length; this is much longer than the average needed length to provide flexibility for using knots on the 0101. Speed Rope and extra beads for replacements on the 0102. Freestyle Rope. Replacement beads come in handy especially if you're jumping on concrete or asphalt.
Skilled jumpers will tell you to focus on your hand position when starting out - the closer to your body the better. We highly recommend placing your hands near your pockets in a direct vertical line below the shoulders. This takes time and practice as your hand posture naturally is separated from our torso when first learning to jump. As you progress your skillset and your hands are closer to the pocket position, you can start to reduce the rope size depending on your desired style.